Motivational Interviewing

An evidence-based intervention designed to strengthen motivation for change in high-risk clients.


What is Motivational Interviewing?

Motivational Interviewing (MI) is a client-centered intervention designed to:
  • Enhance intrinsic motivation
  • Engage clients in the change process
  • Teach staff how to work with clients who are unwilling or unable to change
Motivational Interviewing is rated “Well-supported” (the highest rating) by The Title IV-E Prevention Services Clearinghouse and is eligible for funding through the Family First Prevention Services Act.
We offer customized Motivational Interviewing training and coaching to support the intervention across different professional groups such as child welfare staff, probation, parole and correctional officers, caseworkers, and counselors. 
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Fundamental Processes of Motivational Interviewing


The foundation of MI. Engaging promotes productive relationships by listening carefully to understand and reflect the person's experience and perspective while affirming strengths and supporting autonomy.


During this process, the clinician and client focus on a shared purpose that gives the practitioner permission to move into an actionable conversation about change.


The evoking process outlines the "why" for change by drawing out the client’s intrinsic motivation and their own ideas for change. 


Planning focuses on the "how" of change. The practitioner works with the client to create a unique and actionable change plan that the client can commit to. 


Motivational Interviewing is:


Addresses a variety of challenging problems such as substance use, institutional conduct, & treatment compliance


Boosts staff confidence to help with challenging clients


Enhances clients' engagement with mandatory services and facilitates program completion


Can be adapted for a variety of settings, both formal and informal